What are the most important skills for business or job success?

We all know that having the relevant academic qualifications and technical skills are essential to getting and holding a job or running a business.  However you may be surprised to learn that they are not the most important or critical skills that employers are looking, for or business owners need.  

According to an recent survey of over 350 Australian businesses, the 10 most important criteria in selecting employees are:

  1. Interpersonal and communication skills
  2. Critical reasoning and analytical/ problem solving skills
  3. Passion/ industry knowledge/ drive
  4. Cultural and values alignment
  5. Academic qualifications
  6. Teamwork skills
  7. Emotional intelligence
  8. Work Experience
  9. Extra-curricular activities
  10. Leadership skills

Hard skills (technical skills) and qualifications allow you to do the “technical stuff” your job demands. But it is soft skills that allow you to do everything else that comes with a job.

  • Manage yourself, your work, and your time
  • Communicate effectively with your boss, team, and peers.
  • Define and build your character, be trusted and remembered

Soft skills complete and define your hard skills which get you noticed and appreciated. This drives ADVANCEMENT and SUCCESS.